Wednesday, November 24, 2010
How Much Muscle Can You Gain In A Year... Really?
Muscle growth tends to come in a series of "spurts"
No matter how hard you train, how strict your diet is, or how many muscle-building supplements you use, growth will never come at a predictable steady pace. There are so many factors influencing your progress. Not many people can do nothing but go to the gym, eat and sleep for months on end.
Holidays, illness and injury all get in the way. Your partner complains that you go to the gym too often and demands that you spend more "quality time" together. You pull a few "all-nighters" at the office and decide to skip training for a week, vowing to "start fresh" on Monday.
While there are some variables that you can control, such as how you train and what you eat, there are many that you cannot. The most important of these is your genetics.Be realistic. If you have a body designed for long-distance running, it's unlikely that you'll be winning the Mr. America contest in the next few years.Like it or not, some people are genetically predisposed to gaining weight, and will see impressive results after only a few months. Others will build muscle more slowly.
Scientists from the Netherlands, for example, have shown that mesomorphs (those naturally athletic guys who just have to look at a weight in order to gain muscle) build muscle more easily than ectomorphs (the typical "skinny guy" who has an extremely tough time gaining weight) [7].
The researchers used something called the fat-free mass index (shown below) to assign subjects to either a "slender" group (the ectomorphs) or a "solid" group (the mesomorphs).Although both groups put on muscle during the 12-week study, the slender guys gained only 0.7 pounds (0.3 kilograms) versus 3.5 pounds (1.6 kilograms) in the solid group.In other words, the mesomorphs gained muscle FIVE TIMES more quickly than the ectomorphs.Your rate of progress also depends how close you are to the upper limit of what you're capable of in terms of muscle mass, also known as your ceiling of adaptation.
The closer you are to this upper limit, the slower your gains will be. Someone who's been working out with weights for 10 years, for example, will gain muscle a lot more slowly than someone who's just starting out.It's also normal to put on a little fat at the same time.
For every pound of muscle you gain, expect to add some fat at the same time. The amount of fat you gain will depend, in part at least, on how much you eat. But it also depends on how lean you are when you start to overfeed. Studies show that during a period of overfeeding, you'll gain more muscle and less fat if you're naturally lean to start with [6]. Conversely, fatter people tend to lose more fat and less muscle when they go on a diet. The leaner you get, the harder it gets to lose fat without losing muscle.
So, for every 10 pounds of weight gained by someone who is overweight, roughly 3-4 pounds come from lean tissue and 6-7 pounds come from fat. But for every 10 pounds of weight gained by a lean person, 6-7 pounds come from lean tissue while only 3-4 pounds come from fat. I should point out that the term "lean tissue" doesn't necessarily mean muscle tissue, as stored fluid and carbohydrate can also contribute to gains in lean tissue.
The studies on which these estimates are based lasted a minimum of three weeks and didn't include a structured exercise routine. With a good weight-training program you can expect gains with a superior muscle-to-fat ratio.
On a related note, if you're loading with creatine (20 grams a day for 5 days), or you eat a lot more carbohydrate than normal, you can gain lean tissue more quickly.
For example, you might put on 4-5 pounds of lean tissue in your first week on creatine and a high-calorie diet. But as I mentioned earlier, lean tissue and muscle tissue aren't the same thing. And you won't keep on gaining weight at that rate indefinitely.
What if you don't want to gain ANY fat?
Although some people try to gain muscle mass while maintaining a very low level of body fat at the same time, this is actually very hard to do.Why? The issue may be psychological. If you've just spent the last six months working your butt off to get a six-pack, the last thing you'll want to do is put the fat right back on again. Someone in this position may simply be reluctant to eat the quantity of food necessary to gain a significant amount of muscle.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ab workouts and when to avoid them...
Fat is stored energy. To get rid of the fat, you have to burn more energy (calories) than you eat on a regular basis.
What's more, a lot of bending exercise first thing in the morning puts a lot of stress on the discs in your back.
You’re taller when you wake up in the morning than when you go to bed at night.
That's because the discs in your back are hydrophilic (pronounced high-dro-fill-ick). In other words, they suck up water while you sleep.
First thing in the morning, these discs are like a balloon full of water. And, if you do a lot of bending (like ab workouts that involve sit-ups or touching your toes), there's a lot of stress on those discs. In fact, the stresses are three times higher than when you perform the same exercise two or three hours later.
That's one reason why putting on your socks in the morning feels a lot harder than taking them off at night.
"Researchers have documented the increased annulus stresses after a bout of bed rest," says Professor Stuart McGill, an expert in spine function and injury prevention and rehabilitation at the University of Waterloo in Canada.
"Yet many athletes and laypeople alike get up in the morning and perform spine stretches, sit-ups, and so on. This is the most dangerous time of day to undertake such activities."
Some evidence for this comes from research published in the journal Spine [1]. The study shows that controlling lumbar flexion in the morning is an effective way to reduce back pain.
A group of 85 subjects with persistent or recurring low back pain was assigned to one of two groups.
One group was told to restrict the amount of bending they did in the early morning. The control group received a "fake" treatment consisting of six exercises shown to be ineffective in reducing low back pain.
After six months, back pain was reduced in the group told to restrict bending activities in the early morning.
A follow-up study shows that participants who continued to restrict bending activities in the early morning enjoyed a further reduction in back pain [2].
The bottom line is that doing your ab workouts — or any type of exercise that involves a lot of bending — is one of the worst things you can do for your back first thing in the morning.
After you get up, just walking around helps to "squeeze" the fluid out and compress your spine. If you want to do your ab workouts early in the day, wait for an hour or two after getting out of bed. Your back will thank you for it.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
How to Burn More Fat In Less Time
One simple way to cut down on the time you spend in the gym is to increase the density of your workout. Workout density is a measure of the amount of work performed in a specific time period. Don't worry if it sounds too complicated. Increasing workout density is actually quite easy when you use supersets.
Most weight-training routines require that you perform one set of a given exercise, rest for a minute or two, then return to the same exercise. And it's this rest period between sets that takes up a lot of time.
With supersets, you move quickly from one exercise to another, with little or no rest between. In other words, rather than resting between sets, you perform an exercise for another muscle group.
Depending on who you talk to, you might also hear supersets called compound sets or staggered sets. They're all variations on the same theme.
Supersets usually involve several sets of two exercises for opposing muscle groups, such as the biceps curl and triceps dip. A compound set is a superset for the same muscle group (such as two back-to-back exercises for your biceps).
With staggered sets, you do an exercise for one muscle group and then, with little or no rest, perform an exercise for a muscle group (usually a smaller one) in a different part of the body. As an example, you might alternate squats with dumbbell curls.
One of the main benefits of a weight-training routine that includes supersets is that it raises your metabolic rate in the hours after exercise. Studies also show a shift in substrate oxidation, which means that you're also burning more fat.
Some evidence for this comes from a study by researchers Kristin Osterberg and Christopher Melby [1]. A group of seven young women (aged 22-35 years), all of whom were physically active and lifted weights 3-4 times a week in addition to regular cardiovascular exercise, took part in the study.
They reported to the laboratory at Colorado State University early in the morning. At 1.30pm they began the workout, starting with 10-15 repetitions of the bench press. Without resting, they went straight to the bent over row. Each superset was followed by 2-3 minutes of rest. They repeated the process four more times, before moving to the next set of exercises. In total, the workout lasted 100 minutes.
The routine included several compound exercises, such as the bench press, bent-over row and overhead press. The women also trained hard, with the last two sets of each exercise taken to the point of muscular failure.
Measurements taken 16 hours later show the rate of fat burning had increased by over 50%. Resting metabolic rate was also up by about 4%. In other words, the women were burning more calories and more fat.
In a previous experiment from the same laboratory, in which men followed a similar program, resting metabolic rate was almost 10% higher the next morning [4]. When longer rest periods between sets were used (4 versus 3 minutes), the rise in metabolic rate after exercise was less pronounced (4.7%).
So, one of the ways to make sure your metabolism stays elevated after exercise is to keep your rest periods between sets relatively short.
The fact that the workout in this study lasted 100 minutes does limit the conclusions we can draw. Most people don't have the time or motivation to train for so long. However, at least one other trial shows a post-exercise rise in metabolism lasting for at least two days, despite the fact the workout took just 31 minutes [5].
If you find it hard to fit weight-training into your day, try increasing the density of your workout by using supersets or staggered sets. It's a very simple way to boost your metabolic rate and burn fat faster without spending longer in the gym.
In this video you can see medicine ball push-ups paired with reverse lunges. Although this is actually a staggered set rather than a superset (because it doesn’t use opposing muscle groups), the fat-burning benefits will be much the same.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lose Belly Fat
Firstly, you will need to exercise. And a feeble 30 or 40 minutes of cardio in your so-called "fat-burning zone" two or three times a week isn't going to be enough. As you've learned, a full-body training program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance exercise will deliver better, faster results.
Forget about doing hundreds of crunches, sit-ups, or any of the various "drawing in the belly button" exercises. They're virtually useless for most people when it comes to losing belly fat.
As Mike Geary, author of The Truth about Six Pack Abs, points out: "Let's get this straight right now. Abdominal exercises do NOT burn fat away from your abs! This can only be accomplished through a much more effective full-body training routine that maximizes both your metabolic response and your hormonal response to your workouts."
Remember, belly fat is stored energy. To get rid of it, you need to burn more energy (calories) than you eat. And these exercises don't burn enough calories to make much of a difference to the appearance of your waist and stomach.
"The truth is, getting six-pack 'killer' abs has almost nothing to do with training," adds Tom Venuto, author of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle. "It has everything to do with low body fat."
If you've seen pictures of Tom, you'll know he has some of the best abs in the business. "Some people might argue that I was just blessed with good genetics in the ab department, which may be true," says Tom. "But based on my experience with others who have less favorable genetics, I still believe that developing the abdominal muscles is easy. The hardest part is getting your body fat low enough for your abs to show."
You'll also need to eat the right foods. I know it's a cliché, but a flat stomach is made in the kitchen and not the gym. Deciding what to eat can be difficult, especially with the mass of conflicting and confusing information out there. When it comes to nutrition, most people have been given only half the story. Usually, it's the wrong half!
Ultimately, while there are a few basic principles to keep in mind when it comes to nutrition and weight loss, losing belly fat requires that you take in fewer calories than you burn. Don't be seduced into following an overly complicated diet masquerading under the guise of a "new and revolutionary" approach to weight loss.
Finally, you'll need to be consistent. To lose belly fat, eating right and exercising regularly needs to become a habit, not just something you do when you can be bothered or when you "have the time." If your current schedule makes it difficult to find the time for exercise, change it. Get out of bed earlier. Turn off the TV. Stop wasting time on Facebook.
If you're looking for a highly effective fat-burning exercise routine that will help you burn off belly fat and lose the love handles, the Fight Fat and Win program (FFW) is the one I use myself and recommend to others. Based on some of the latest nutrition and exercise research, FFW is designed to help you quickly burn belly fat while preserving valuable muscle tissue.
Belly Fat and How to Beat It
Not only is a firm, flat stomach the ultimate symbol of sex appeal, researchers have found that losing abdominal fat is one of the most important steps you can take to stay healthy for life. Most people realize that excess fat is unhealthy, but the key is where the fat is distributed. People with apple-shaped bodies (fattest in the abdomen) have a greater risk of heart disease and diabetes than those with pear shapes (fattest in the hips, buttocks, and thighs).
There are two main types of fat in the stomach area. Visceral (pronounced viss-er-al) fat is stored deep inside your body. It surrounds and protects your internal organs. Subcutaneous (pronounced sub-cue-tain-ee-us) fat, on the other hand, is stored just under your skin. It's the stuff that wobbles when you jump up and down.
What's the best way to lose belly fat?
It won't surprise you to learn that the best way to lose abdominal fat is to eat right and exercise regularly. And there's a growing body of research to show that the fastest way to burn off the fat from your belly is with a combination of weight training and aerobic exercise.
A good example comes from research published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism [4]. For the study, researchers compared the effectiveness of two exercise and diet programs. Subjects taking part in the study were assigned to one of two groups.
Group one followed a diet based on the traditional food guide pyramid (50-55% carbohydrate; 15-20% protein; less than 30% fat). They also did cardiovascular exercise 4-6 days per week at 50-75% of their maximal heart rate. Each workout lasted 30-60 minutes.
Group two followed a diet that was higher in protein and lower in carbohydrate and fat. Their exercise program consisted of alternating days of resistance and cardiovascular interval training six days per week.
Body composition was assessed by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) before and after the 12-week training program. DEXA is an extremely accurate way to measure changes in body fat. It’s far more reliable than the skin fold calipers or body fat scales often used in health clubs.
And the result?
Subjects in group two (remember, these were the people who lifted weights, did more intense cardio, and ate more protein) lost more fat overall (-20.6%) than the normal group (-10.1%). They also gained 2 pounds of muscle (0.9 kilograms) while the cardio-only group, not surprisingly, lost muscle.
More interesting still, abdominal fat dropped by 26% in group two, but by just 13.5% in group one. In other words, subjects in group two lost almost twice as much belly fat as those in group one.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
10 Tips for Easy Weight Loss
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
BMR [kcal]
Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] x 3.5)
Since you wish to lose weight, your target = BMR - 500 kc
For instance, you weigh 140 lb and you perform 20 mins of moderate activity every day. BMR of this example = (140 x 15) + (20 x 3.5) = 2100 + 70 = 2170 kcal. BMR minus 500kcal; it would be 2170 - 500 = 1670 kcal. Therefore 1670 kcal is the target in this example to losing 1 lb per week.
Tool: Use our online Calories Calculator to calculate how many calories you need every day.
Tip 2: Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
Fruits and vegetables are packed with beneficial fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. They fill up your stomach fast so you feel full earlier. They are also low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low.
Read more: Top 5 Healthiest Foods
Tip 3: Watch for Portion Size
One serving of pasta means 1/2 cup of cooked pasta. However, most restaurants serve a pasta dish with 4 servings of pasta!!! You do not need to finish and clean off the plate every time. You can simply ask to take home the leftover.
Tip 4: Do not Skip Meals
Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day.
Read more: 4 Breakfast items to Avoid
Tip 5: Go for wholesome fresh foods
If possible, purchase fresh foods and avoid package (processed) and convenient foods such as fast food. Packaged and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content. Many people we spoke to are amazed that they can easily lose weight by packing a home-cooked lunch to work instead of eating out.
Tip 6: Don't be overly-restrictive
Everyone has his or her favorite treats. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, but watch out for the frequency and the quantity. Having a small treat once in a while can be rewarding to your weight loss experience. Cutting too much of your favorite treats usually lead to an early relapse.
Tip 7: Understand Food Claims and Labels
A product labelled with a fat-free claim does not mean that it is low in calories. Similarly a product labelled as low-sugar or low-carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories. Always read the nutrition label on the packaging.
Read more: Understanding Food Labelings
Tip 8: Watch for the sugary drinks
Juices, soda, cream & sugar in your coffee or tea all add up. Opt for drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to providing hydration to your body, it will also help you feel full.
Read more: 5 Myths about Drinks
Tip 9: Keep a food journal
Keeping a food journal helps you pin point your eating pattern and will enable you to easily modify it. If possible, have your Registered Dietitian review your journal.
Tip 10: Exercise, period
Most authorities recommend 30 - 60 minutes of physical activity a day to stay healthy. Also try adding weight-bearing exercises at least 2 times a week. This will help burn some of the unwanted calories.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Healthiest Foods on Earth
All berries are low in sugar and high in fiber. Blueberries have been shown to increase memory in lab studies, and raspberries and strawberries are loaded with ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that seems to have some anti-cancer properties, according to the American Cancer Society.
2. Beans
Beans are extremely high in fiber, which helps to control weight, prevent or manage diabetes and blood sugar, and may help prevent colon cancer and protect against heart disease. The National Institute of Medicine recommends 25-38 grams of fiber a day. The average American gets only 4-11 grams. One cup of beans provides 11-17 grams.
3. Nuts
Some of the largest and most important long-term studies of diet and health have shown that eating nuts several times a week is consistent with a risk of heart attack and heart disease that is 30%-50% lower than the general population. Just one ounce of nuts-almonds, macadamia, Brazil , walnuts, pecans-eaten three to five times a week seems to be the magic number.
4. Wild Salmon
Fish is the ultimate anti-aging food. Cold-water fatty fish like wild salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring contain omega-3 fats that protect the brain and the heart, improve mood, and lower blood pressure and triglycerides.
5. Raw Milk
Raw, organic milk nearly always comes from grass-fed cows and contains high levels of cancer-fighting CLA (conjugated linolenic acid) as well as a rich assortment of vitamins, minerals and beneficial bacteria (like Lactobacillus acidophilus)
6. Grass-Fed
Meat Meat from grass-fed cows has a much different fat profile than ordinary supermarket meat: high in omega-3s, lower in potentially harmful omega-6s and loaded with CLA, a kind of fat known for its anti-cancer activity. A superb source of protein and vitamin B12, it's also missing the antibiotics, steroids and hormones found in the meat that comes from feedlot farms.
7. Eggs
Considered by many to be nature's most perfect food, the egg is high in protein and relatively low in calories. The yolk contains choline, one of the most important nutrients for the brain, as well as lutein and xeazanthin, two critical nutrients for eye health. Brassica Vegetables Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale all contain plant compounds called indoles that help reduce the risk of cancer. In addition to a stunning range of vitamins and minerals, they also contain sulforaphane, an important plant chemical that helps the body detoxify health-damaging chemicals.
8. Apples
Not only do they keep the doctor away, they also appear to do the same for lung cancer, diabetes and asthma. An apple contains five grams of fiber and a rich blend of nutrients including the bone-building vitamin K and the anti-inflammatory nutrient quercetin. And there's no better way to control your appetite than an apple eaten about half an hour before a big meal.
9. Onions and Garlic
In an impressive number of published studies, the consumption of onions and garlic has demonstrated protective effects against stomach, prostate and esophageal cancer. Along with broccoli, tea and apples, onions and garlic are among a select group of foods found to reduce mortality from heart disease by 20%.
10. Pomegranate Juice
Called "a natural Viagra" by researchers at Tel Aviv University , pomegranate juice is loaded with antioxidants. Studies show it can reduce blood pressure and plaque in the arteries. New research indicates it also slows the progression of tumors.. Four to eight ounces a day is highly recommended.
11. Green Tea
Though all teas are great for you, green tea has a unique profile of plant chemicals that have anti-cancer activity. It's now fairly established that green tea may help prevent the following types of cancers in humans: bladder, colon, esophagus, pancreas, rectum and stomach. If that's not enough, it also appears to help with weight control.
5 DUMBEST Things You Can Do If You Want To Build Muscle (Without Getting Fat)
Can Do If You Want To Build Muscle
(Without Getting Fat)
& Get The Eye-Popping Body Of Your Dreams…”
Almost all bodybuilding supplements DON'T WORK and are a complete joke and only make a 5% difference ASSUMING your diet and training plan are in order. In just a second, I'll give you a nutritional advantage and tell you exactly what does work.
Traditional bodybuilding programs would lead you to believe that "shocking" your muscles with "different angles," "feeling the burn," and "splitting up your body parts" is effective but they are dead wrong. Below, I'll tell you how not to waste your time and energy and gain maximum muscle.
Imitating the instruction of champion bodybuilders is a costly mistake because their advice has no practical relevance for average people like you and me. They will not tell you that drugs and genetics are responsible for curing their problem of being a hardgainer. They claim it's supplements and "better training." Give me a break.
Every bodybuilding magazine is owned and operated by a supplement company, which is why these mags look like massive supplement catalogs. If you've reading up on what supplements works, don't bother because you're getting biased opinions.
Lastly, legendary physiques were not built on silky smooth machines and bogus exercise equipment like the Bowflex, Total Gym 100 or the Weider Max 5000.
Stop being a casualty of misinformation and learn the bottom line TRUTH toward gaining weight and building lean muscle mass – right away!
On this very page you can read my strange but true “Skinny Vinny” story… and discover how I am living proof that you can
have the body of your dreams
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat
Consuming less food loaded with sugar will help you to lose tummy fat. Sugar is a big one. The sugar found in junk food and soda is the kind of sugar that burns quickly, unlike those sugars found in fruits and vegetables, which burn more slowly. If your body is processing sugar to create energy, and you’re not using any energy, those sugars will be converted into fat for later use. If you’re going to enjoy sweets, enjoy them right before you use the Stair Master.There’s nothing wrong with strengthening your abdominal muscles, but it won’t get rid of belly fat like magic. You may want to consider not only working out your abs, but also working out your shoulders, pectorals, back, and arms to help create a more shapely “V” figure, which will help reduce the appearance of your belly. Keep this in mind: bulking up your muscles requires fewer reps (about 8) and fewer sets with greater weight. Building leaner muscle requires more reps, more sets, and less weight.Daily exercise and walking will definitely get rid of belly fat. Going for a walk after a big meal or enjoying a dessert is never a bad idea. When Natasha and I were in Europe, we ate our fair share of delicacies, but we didn’t gain a single pound—in fact, we actually lost weight—because we walked everywhere. We walked from the train station to our hotel, and from our hotel to the restaurant, and from the restaurant to the museums, and from the museums to the…well, you get my point.Belly Fat Burning Exercises
There isn’t really an exercise that will get rid of your belly. Certainly, exercising your abdominal muscles is a good idea, because building any kind of lean muscle will improve your body’s ability to process calories more efficiently. The more muscle you have, the more calories you body needs to maintain those muscles. If you keep your caloric intake to a minimum, then your body will start to use the fat on your body for energy, thus reducing the amount of fat hanging from your belly. And strengthening your abdominal muscles will have two effects: first, it helps you build muscles that will help you burn more calories during the course of the day, and second, larger abdominal muscles tend to stretch the skin around them, tightening your belly and reducing the amount of belly that sags over your waist line.
But here’s the catch: only working your abdominal muscles isn’t going to do much for you. You should definitely consider joining a gym and working on a weight lifting routine that works as many of your muscle groups as possible, and a daily aerobic routine to help you burn the fat you already have.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Health Tip of the Day
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Generally, one must work up to peak heart rate, and one should check with a doctor regarding what one’s peak should be. But usually, the 15-20 minutes should occur after about 15 minutes of warming up. One will get to peak heart rate more quickly if one is working more than one major muscle group simultaneously, like the arms and legs. Thus aerobic dancing or swimming may be more effective than riding a bike.
Second, exercises that work the stomach muscles are important. Building muscle mass in the body helps us to burn calories more efficiently and reduce fat storage. Lean stomach muscles can reduce the size of a larger stomach. Many people do abdominal crunches to lose tummy fat, but often do them incorrectly.
Using a weight machine, or participating in Pilates 2-3 times a week may be more effective. As well, Pilates helps one work other problem areas like hips and thighs. If one doesn’t have the times for a full Pilates' class, adapt 15 minutes of abdomen-oriented exercises for home use. One many not lose tummy fat if abdomen exercises are not combined with the fat-burning power of cardiovascular exercise. A combination of both is needed in order to lose tummy fat.
In addition to exercise, pay attention to diet. Do not eat in excess of what you need-most westerners consume far more food than what the body really requires. Sticking to the Food Pyramid diet is often one of the best ways to lose tummy fat.
Lastly, stress does often cause fat to accumulate around the stomach. Fortunately, someone who is regularly exercising is going a long way toward reducing stress already. One might further help their battle to lose tummy fat by trying to destress, using a variety of relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and prayer.
Significant stress that seems to occur without outside stressors may suggest one is suffering from chemical imbalances. If you suffer from panic attacks or great anxiety, you may notice more tummy fat and it may be harder to lose. One should address this with a physician, as restoring an appropriate chemical balance can significantly reduce stress, and possibly help one lose tummy fat. As well, one should always see a physician prior to beginning an exercise program
Monday, June 21, 2010
Belly Fat- 6 Reasons You Need Abs
Study after study shows that the people with the most belly fat have the most risk of life-threatening disease. The evidence couldn't be more convincing.
According to the National Institutes of Health, a waistline larger than 40 inches for men signals significant risk of heart disease and diabetes.
The Canadian Heart Health Surveys, published in 2001, looked at 9,913 people ages 18 to 74 and concluded that for maximum health, a guy needs to keep his waist size at no more than 35 inches (a little less for younger guys, a little more for older ones). When your waist grows larger than 35 inches, you're at higher risk of developing two or more risk factors for heart disease.
And when researchers examined data from the Physicians' Health Study that has tracked 22,701 male physicians since 1982, they found that men whose waists measured more than 36.8 inches had a significantly elevated risk for myocardial infarction, or heart attack, in which an area of the heart muscle dies or is permanently damaged by a lack of bloodflow. Men with the biggest bellies were at 60 percent higher risk.
Now the real scary part: The average American man's waist size is a ponderous 38.8 inches, up from 37.5 in 1988, according to the journal Obesity Research. The same sad truth holds for women, too: A woman with a flabby midsection is at increased risk for the same health problems. And American women have seen their weight rise just as men have.
Of course, abs don't guarantee you a get-out-of-the-hospital-free card, but studies show that by developing a strong abdominal section, you'll reduce body fat and significantly cut the risk factors associated with many diseases, not just heart disease.
For example, the incidence of cancer among obese patients is 33 percent higher than among lean ones, according to a Swedish study. The World Health Organization estimates that up to one-third of cancers of the colon, kidney, and digestive tract are caused by being overweight and inactive.
And having an excess of belly fat around your gut is especially dangerous. See, cancer is caused by mutations that occur in cells as they divide. Fat tissue in your abdomen spurs your body to produce hormones that prompt your cells to divide. More cell division means more opportunities for cell mutations, which means more cancer risk.
A lean waistline also heads off another of our most pressing health problems-diabetes. Currently, 13 million Americans have been diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes, and many more go undiagnosed. Fat, especially belly fat, bears the blame.
There's a misconception that diabetes comes only from eating too much refined sugar, like the kind in chocolate and ice cream. But people contract diabetes after years of eating high-carbohydrate foods that are easily converted into sugar-foods like white bread, pasta, and mashed potatoes.
Scarfing down a basket of bread and a bowl of pasta can do the same thing to your body that a carton of ice cream does: flood it with sugar calories. The calories you can't burn are what converts into fat cells that pad your gut and leaves you with a disease that, if untreated, can lead to impotence, blindness, heart attacks, strokes, amputation, and death. And that, my friend, can really ruin your day.
Triggering Your Body to Burn Fat
by Martica Heaner, M.A., M.Ed., for MSN Health & FitnessQ. I just read an article of yours on MSN. You wrote that, to lose weight, a person needs to do 60-90 minutes of cardio on most days of the week. But I was told by a trainer NOT to do this much. He said to keep it short because the first 15 min of cardio burns fat, and exercising for longer than that burns muscle, not fat. He said that it’s not good to do cardio for too long because you need to preserve, and even build, muscle since having more muscle burns calories and keeps your metabolism revved up, so I have been doing minimal cardio and lifting weights. I’ve reshaped my body but I can’t seem to lose weight or inches. Why?
A. If you’re not seeing weight or fat loss and you’re controlling what you eat, you do need to spend more than 15 minutes doing cardio. To fully explain, I’ll take you step-by-step through the several points you’ve addressed.
Burning Fat
When your body moves (or any cell in your body does any type of ”work”) it needs energy. The amount of energy needed is measured as a unit of heat—or a calorie. The fuel to produce this energy comes from several sources, mostly fat and carbs (glucose), and occasionally amino acids (protein). How and when fat is ‘”burned” (or metabolized to provide energy for the body) and how that affects body fat levels and weight is a very complex area of physiology research. There have been hundreds, maybe thousands, of studies exploring the utilization of fat for energy under a variety of different conditions. There is still much to be understood, but this is how we know it works so far:
Whether you are watching TV or running around a track, the fuel your body uses to give you the calories your cells need for energy comes from burning mostly fat and carbs. Your body nearly always burns a mix of both fat calories and carb calories. So normally, for every calorie burned, the fuels are around a 50/50 split of both fat and carbs.
How hard you are moving during exercise is one major determinant of which fuel your body will use. Carbs provide a faster energy source. So whenever you need to do something fast or produce force, carbs are the better fuel. Fats are favored during long, low-intensity activities. It’s not that you stop using one or the other fuel, it’s that the ratio of both shifts depending on your activity. In more scientific terms, you alternate between aerobic (more fat-burning) and anaerobic (more carb-burning) metabolism.
Losing Weight by Burning Calories
When it comes to weight loss, it really doesn’t matter whether you are more or less fat burning. It doesn’t matter what your calories are made of, but it does matter how many calories you burn—and the more the better. So when you are sitting—and burning more fat--you are burning only about one calorie per minute. Clearly, even though you’re in a greater fat-burning state, no one ever lost weight by sitting! (How many calories you burn depends on many factors, including how heavy you are—the more you weigh, the more you burn.)
You do burn less fat when you work anaerobically, but it doesn’t matter because you are burning more total calories. You will always burn more calories the longer or harder you exercise, no matter what your intensity is. So doing cardio for only 15 minutes makes no sense unless you are short on time. Burning BOTH fat calories and carb calories can result in fat loss or pounds off the scale.
The Ideal Amount of Cardio
How much exercise you need to do depends on your goal. Even small amounts of exercise are great for your health. Just moving a little every day can improve metabolic functions, such as how sensitive your body is to insulin and how it reacts to excess blood sugar. Exercise can also reduce your risk of heart disease and other chronic conditions. That’s why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend that all healthy adults accumulate 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity on most, if not all, days of the week. Although all types of exercise count, generally the recommendations reflect more cardio activity than lower-calorie-burning moves like strength work or stretching.
The big question is whether you’ll drop weight from this amount of exercise. The answer is that some people can. If you work a little harder in that 30 minutes, you will burn more calories and that will have a bigger effect on weight loss. If you have not been active before, then doing 30 minutes of low-intensity activity would still probably help you lose weight.
The less cardio activity you do (or the fewer calories you burn per workout), the slower the weight loss, and that’s because it’s a numbers game. In 30 minutes of moving around, you might burn 150 to 300 calories. But, theoretically, it takes burning around 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat. So, you’re going to have to do enough workouts, at say 150 calories burned per session, to add up to 3,500 calories, or 17,500 calories for five pounds of fat, and so on.
The problem is that most people give up if they don’t get concrete results fast. Also, different people have different physiological makeups. So this theoretical caloric equation may not work perfectly in every body. That’s why more realistic fitness guidelines for losing weight or maintaining weight loss have been established. The Institute of Medicine and the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines recommend that a person do 60 to 90 minutes a day of accumulated moderate-intensity physical activity at least five days per week.
Can Exercise ‘Burn Muscle’?
This claim is slightly misleading. You certainly do not burn muscle after only 15 minutes of exercise. You start using protein (perhaps from muscle, as well as other amino-acid-containing components in the body) for energy under extreme conditions such as starvation and at the tail end of long, hard endurance events where carb stores are in short supply. The average person who works out does not need to worry about this.
Will More Muscle Rev Up Your Metabolism?
In short, probably not. The average person won’t lose muscle from doing cardio and won’t burn more fat by building more muscle, mostly because one has to eat more than usual (not diet) and lift seriously heavy weights to build more muscle. And even then that person probably won’t build enough muscle to make a difference. Dr. Joseph Donnelly and other leading exercise physiologists conducted a comprehensive review of all the research on exercise and weight loss for the American College of Sports Medicine. While resistance training was recommended for its beneficial role in potentially improving muscle strength and power, the physiologists found no evidence that increasing muscle mass enhanced weight loss, especially when combined with dieting.
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"I Am the Classic Pear Shape"
Hard-Core Weight-Loss Approaches
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Do you have a fitness or weight-loss question for Martica? Send e-mail to Please include Ask Martica in the subject line. Each of our experts responds to one question each week and the responses are posted on Mondays on MSN Health. We regret that we cannot provide a personalized response to every submission.
Martica Heaner, Ph.D., M.A., M.Ed., is a Manhattan-based exercise physiologist and nutritionist, and an award-winning fitness instructor and health writer. She has a Ph.D. in behavioral nutrition and physical activity from Columbia University, and is also a NASM-certified personal trainer. She has written hundreds of articles for publications such as Self , Health , Prevention , The New York Times and others. Martica is the author of eight books, including her latest, Cross-Training for Dummies
9 to 5 Dieting: Surviving Food Temptations
You're wise to avoid donuts, steer clear of vending machines and go easy on the pasta in the company cafeteria. But there's no need to chain yourself to your desk with a mountain of carrot sticks and rice cakes.
Food boredom and there's nothing like carrots and rice cakes to bring that on – is one sure-fire way to kill a diet. Another is isolating yourself to avoid temptation.
Hope Warshaw, dietitian and author of "Eat Out, Eat Right" (Surrey Books, 2004), makes a good case for making your weight-loss efforts mesh with your work and social life.
"Reality of the matter is 'dieting' is not an on/off proposition," Warshaw says. "It's a long-term lifestyle change proposition. The longer that people think of this as temporary, the longer they will be frustrated by weight loss and regain."
Bottom line, she says, is people have to make small and simple changes in their behaviors about food, food choices and the portions they eat.
"If a person goes out to eat as part of their lifestyle, then to have long-term weight loss and control success, they need to figure out how to cope with restaurant meals," Warshaw says. "Perhaps they need to eat out less and bring lunch more, but all in all they shouldn't avoid restaurants. It only leads to pent-up desire and anxiety."
So look at it this way: If joining office mates for a coffee break or meeting friends for lunch at a favorite eatery is something you enjoy doing during the work week when you're not dieting – find ways to do it successfully when you are dieting. You're more apt to stay on track that way.
Make obsession work for you
You're also more likely to succeed with weight control when you stay totally focused on it, according to Daniel S. Kirschenbaum, a behavioral sciences professor at Northwestern University Medical School and author of "The 9 Truths About Weight Loss" (Henry Holt & Co., 2000).
Kirschenbaum says beginning a weight-loss program requires the same healthy obsession an athlete in training exhibits. It's all about focus, momentum and having everything fall into place at the right time.
The difficulty people have, Kirschenbaum says, is their lives interfere with this training model. First there's the donut during your morning coffee break. It's a little slip, sure, but not the end of the world.
"The problem is, one donut leads to a bag of chips at lunch and then a cheeseburger later in the day," he says. He advocates self-monitoring – basically writing down everything you eat – so you're focused on the food you consume and can avoid slippage that stymies weight loss. The idea is, if you write down that donut, later in the day you'll remember you had it and be less likely to make another slip.
Dieters just wanna have fun
So it's Friday noon. You've done a good job all week maintaining that healthy obsession with weight loss—choosing fresh fruit instead of donuts during coffee breaks and eating sensible sack lunches. But now you're itching to get out of the office and join your friends for lunch.
The good news is you've got plenty of options. But you've also got challenges. In the typical sit-down, American-style restaurant, Warshaw says portion size is your biggest challenge, followed by fat – in, on and around food.
"If you can deal with portion control and fats, there are plenty of choices," she says. You can:
Order from appetizers, salads or soups
Split and share items
Take food home
Do a soup and salad or soup and half sandwich combo
Order a vegetable plate ala carte
Make special requests
In her book, Warshaw offers more tips, plus nutrition info on more than 3,500 menu items at 55 restaurant chains.
Still, whether you head to the company cafeteria or the corner deli, Northwestern's Kirschenbaum points out this simple truth: "There's no way to lose weight and keep it off unless you restrict what you eat consistently."
Monday, June 7, 2010
Would knowing metabolism rate help with weight loss?
Asked by Louise, Sacramento, California
I'm a 58-year-old diabetic whose A1C is less than 6. I would like to lose about 25 more pounds. I watch what I eat and walk about 2.5 miles a day but my weight stays around 158. Would having a resting metabolism rate test help with the weight loss?
Diet and Fitness Expert
Dr. Melina Jampolis
Physician Nutrition Specialist
Expert answer
Hi Louise -- While I do perform resting metabolic rate tests in my office, I do not feel that they are essential in most of my patients, although they do provide interesting information and can be very helpful in some cases. The tests, which historically have been done only in a hospital, measure the amount of oxygen that your body consumes as a measure of your resting metabolic rate. There are office-based systems available that can do the same thing in a shorter time with far less expensive equipment. They are not quite as accurate as the hospital-based tests but again, they can be useful in some people, particularly if the causes of a slower metabolism can be addressed, such as medication, low thyroid function or low levels of muscle mass.
Resting metabolic rate that is measured accounts for approximately 60-70 percent of your total metabolic rate (total daily calories burned). Most of your resting metabolic rate is beyond your control and is dictated by age, height, sex, weight, genetics, organ function and hormones. The only aspect of your resting metabolic rate that you really have control over, unless you have a hormonal or medication problem, is your muscle mass. The remainder of your total metabolic rate is composed of exercise, which accounts for about 20-25 percent depending on how active you are, and eating (also called the thermic effect of feeding), which accounts for about 10 percent of your total daily calories burned.
When you test your resting metabolic rate, you must then multiply that number by an activity factor that usually ranges from 1.3 to 1.9, depending on how physically active you are every day in your job and also during exercise. Resting metabolic rate can also be estimated using a mathematical equation and can be calculated by some of the more sophisticated body fat scales that measure age, height, sex, weight, fat mass and lean body mass to come up with a fairly accurate estimate.
If you think you would find it helpful to know more precisely how many calories you should be consuming daily, you might want to consider testing your resting metabolic rate or getting a body composition analysis. Once you know this number, it is critical to pay close attention to the number of calories you consume to lose weight, since most people who are overweight underestimate caloric intake by up to 30 percent.
In addition, I would highly recommend adding strength training to your exercise regimen to give yourself a metabolic boost. Also, if possible, you should increase the intensity or duration of your cardiovascular activity. Finally, because you are diabetic, you might want to try cutting back somewhat on your carbohydrate intake, particularly refined, processed carbohydrates, and increasing your intake of lean protein slightly to lose weight. Slightly higher amounts of lean protein have been shown to help middle-aged women with belly fat and high triglycerides, which often accompany diabetes, lose more weight and keep the weight off more effectively.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Instant Ab Flatteners
By Lucy Danziger, SELF Editor-in-Chief - Posted on Fri, Dec 19,
Achieving a toned, sexy tummy might seem like a pipe dream this time of year. Baggy sweaters abound, egg nog is served and Frosty the Snowman doesn't offer much in the way of flat-belly inspiration. But getting a sleek, sexy stomach is easier than you think. Spend just five minutes a day on toning your abs and you'll get an amazing middle.
We rounded up five of the most effective tummy toners around. Work three or four of these exercises into your routine (easing them in will minimize soreness). Do the number of reps indicated, resting one minute between moves. The only equipment you will need is a hand towel. Washboard abs, here you come!
Pike 90
Lie faceup; raise legs until perpendicular to floor, feet flexed. Lower right leg so it hovers 1 or 2 inches off floor and place hands lightly behind head. In this position, do 15 crunches, lifting chest toward ceiling and lowering. Switch legs and repeat.
Crunchy frog
Sit with knees bent, feet flat. Keeping legs together, raise feet several inches and bring knees toward chest. Wrap arms around knees without touching legs. Extend legs and stretch arms to sides, palms forward. Return to wrapped-arm position; repeat. Do 15 reps.
Stand with feet hip-width apart, right leg in front of left, right foot turned out. Bend elbows and raise arms out to sides at shoulder level (like goalposts). In one motion, raise right knee to lowered right elbow. Return to start; switch sides and repeat to complete one rep. Do 15 reps.
Lie faceup. Press legs together and raise them toward ceiling until they're at a 90-degree angle, with knees slightly bent and toes pointed. Raise butt and legs off floor using ab muscles; twist legs slightly to left. Repeat, twisting to right, for one rep. Do 15 reps.
Side arm balance
Start on floor on knees. Lean to left and place left hand on floor under shoulder; extend right arm up and to left, palm down. Straighten right legs out to right with foot on floor, resting on left knee. Hold for 5 breaths. Return to start; switch sides. Repeat twice per side.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Too Heavy for your Age?
It is better when you eat foods that are very low in calories and eat less of cookies, cakes and fried foods, keep intake of saturated fat and cholesterol as low as possible. choose foods that are naturally high in fibre such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This is commendable as Harvard School of Public Health Researchers reviewed eight studies with a total of 13,614 participants and found that those who replaced saturated fats in their diet with polyunsaturated fats had a 19 per cent lower risk of coronary heart disease than those who did not make the switch. These studies provide conclusive evidence from randomized clinical trials that there is a benefit in switching from saturated fats to polyunsaturated fats. And moreover, according to the study published online in March 23 on the journal PLoS Medicine “for every five per cent increase in polyunsaturated fat consumption found in most vegetable oils, coronary heart disease risk was reduced by 10 per cent”.
Is it enough to just switch to polyunsaturated fats?
Even though researchers have proved beyond reasonable doubt that it is worth switching from diets with saturated fats to polyunsaturated fats but that is not enough to result to a significant weight loss.
"in the midst of America’s obesity epidemic, physicians frequently advise their patients to reduce the number of calories they are consuming on a daily basis. This research shows that simply dieting will not likely cause substantial weight loss. Instead, diet and exercise must be combined to achieve this goal," explained Judy Cameron PH.D., a senior scientist at OHSU`s Oregon National Primate Research Center, and a professor of behavioral neuroscience and obstetrics & gynecology in the OHSU School of Medicine, as well as a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh.
There is no specific number of hours somebody should exercise in a day but it is advisable to work out at least 45minutes daily. There are so many exercises one can engage in but it is always better to ascertain one’s state of health before making choice(s).Kindly visit your physician for more details and recommendation.
Consuming 1-2 gallons of water a day is also advisable. It is very easy to get rid of water weight fast. Water helps to flush out harmful toxins and parasites in the system and it enhances body metabolism. It is advisable to take good quantity of water in the morning before taking your breakfast. It is a therapy that has been helpful to millions of people world wide.
Dieting combined with exercise helps faster to lose excess pounds in the belly and body. So, why not combine both now and smile for ever.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Diet alone unlikely to lead to significant weight loss
"in the midst of America`s obesity epidemic, physicians frequently advise their patients to reduce the number of calories they are consuming on a daily basis. This research shows that simply dieting will not likely cause substantial weight loss. Instead, diet and exercise must be combined to achieve this goal," explained Judy Cameron PH.D., a senior scientist at OHSU`s Oregon National Primate Research Center, and a professor of behavioral neuroscience and obstetrics & gynecology in the OHSU School of Medicine, as well as a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh.
To conduct the research, Cameron and OHSU post-doctoral fellow Elinor Sullivan, PH.D., studied 18 female rhesus macaque monkeys at the Oregon National Primate Research Centre. The monkeys were placed on a high-fat diet for several years. They were then returned to a lower-fat diet (standard monkey food) with a 30% reduction in calories. For a one-month period, the monkeys` weight and activity levels were closely tracked.Activity was tracked through the use of an activity monitor worn on a collar.
"Surprisingly, there was a significant weight loss at the end of the month," explained Sullivan."However, there was a significant change in the activity levels for these monkeys. Naturally occuring levels of physical activity for the animals began to diminish soon after the reduced-calorie diet began.When caloric intake was further reduced in a second month, physical activity in the monkeys diminished even further".
A comparison group of three monkeys was fed a normal monkey diet and was traned to exercise for one hour daily on a treadmill. This comparison group did lose weight.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Keep pushing
Belly fat is associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Particularly, it's the deepest layer of belly fat that poses health risks. That's because these fat cells actually produce hormones and other substances that can affect your health. It can increase insulin resistance and breast cancer risk.
Weight loss program – Is it necessary?
• With the growing problem in overweight, people look out for diets that are effective in as less time as possible. Many factors are considered, like how much weight you will lose and how long are you going to indulge yourself in such activity or medication. That is why it is important that you are aware of what you are doing in order to have successful results.
• Starting a diet, for most people, results in a considerably large amount of weight loss within two weeks. This usually happens when the diet requires discipline to oneself and the person follows it religiously.
• Losing Weight faster depends also on the person participating and the diet itself. We can say that considerable amount may be relative depending on the person's initial weight before taking on a diet. It is observed that heavier people lose weight faster, and men lose weight faster than women too.
• It is established that men who weigh over 300 lbs might actually shed off 15-20 lbs in the first two weeks. For women though, 2-5 lbs weight is lost when over the normal range for her height with the same exact time and diet. After the proceeding week, it is expected that the weight loss starts to slow down. Some observe that in this stage almost no weight is lost.
• To achieve good result within a short period, it is advisable to stick to your routine and follow your diet. Perseverance and motivation will be needed. As you go on to your routine, you will notice that the phase of losing weight slows down. When this happens, don't lose hope yet. This is normal reaction of the body adjusting to the weight and water loss and compensates it by losing a little weight than the usual.
• In the process of losing weight, you will experience unstable weight loss. You'll lose different amounts for 2-4 weeks and there will be a week that you don't lose at all. It is also possible that instead of losing you gain a little weight. This is just a matter of moving two steps forward and half step backward.
• After the period of instability, weight starts to drop again. Everything that is gained will be lost and more weight will be shred off.
Check the weight gained and lost
• It is good to note that the weight gained and lost are with respect to time. Always calculate the weight lost and gained on weekly basis. Compare the result with the previous results. In this way you can monitor precisely the activities of weight lost.
Always stick to the program and diet you are taking. If unwanted results occur, don't lose hope. Those changes are perfectly normal. Do not adjust your routine and diet, stick to them. In the end you will definitely achieve a positive result.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Carrying excessive fat is very harmful health wise. Some people have fat accumulated in their whole body or in a particular part of their body especially in the belly.
Regarding the health risk posed by excess fat in the body, renowned nutritionists and endocrinology specialists’ world wide have conducted several researches on how to curb it. They have all established the fact that carrying extra weight especially belly fat can be very risky and unhealthy.
The health hazard of belly fat
People who have belly fat are at greater risk of serious health issues than those who accumulate fat in other areas. It has also been established that men are more likely than women to gain weight around the waist. Having excess fat in the abdominal region increases one’s chances of having any of the following ailments:
• Heart diseases
• Stroke
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Low levels of high-density lipoprotein
• cholesterol
• Metabolic syndrome
• Sleep apnea
How to know when you have excess belly fat
• The size of your waist is a good indicator of whether you have excessive belly fat.
• Even though measurements that compare your hip and waist circumference or compare your height and weight are more precise, your waist size alone can be a good indicator.
• A waist size lesser than 40 inches (102 centimeters) is ideal for men.
• To confirm your waist size, you can either visit a tailor or you can use a tape to measure your waist.
Accumulating belly fat is a factor of Aging– True or False?
• As one is getting older, there is every tendency for accumulation of fat.
• You lose muscle as you age especially if one is not physically active.
• Muscle loss slows the rate at which the body burns calories.
• Thus, if you don't limit your calories or increase your physical exercise, one is very likely to gain weight.
• However, genes can affect one’s chances of being overweight.
• In addition, one’s lifestyle or eating habit increases chances of being overweight.
We have to adjust our lifestyles and eating habit to avoid having some unwanted fat especially in the belly. Engaging in physical exercise is recommended as it helps to burn calories fast. Belly fat is unhealthy and can be avoided.
Good tips to reduce weight
Listed below are the 5 good tips to help flatten your belly fast:
• Eat more frequently - Instead of taking three large meals each day, eat several light meals in a day as this will keep your metabolism running strong through out the day. Please always avoid eating junk foods.
• Lower Calories For Each Meal – Avoid taking too many calories at once as this will cause your body to retain excess calories and store them as fat. However, lower the amount of calories you get per meal.
• Increase your Fiber & Protein in take - Some foods are very rich in fiber and they will keep you full and improve your digestive system thus boosting your metabolism. Foods rich in Protein metabolize fat, build lean muscle and keep one feeling full.
• Take Much More Water Each Day- It is advisable to take 1-2 gallons of water a day. You'll get rid of water weight fast, flush out harmful toxins and parasites, and it will boost your metabolism. You may ask what a metabolism means. I will treat it in my next article but you can read it up in the internet.
• Enhance Your Metabolism – Enhancing one’s metabolism is a guaranteed way to get rid of abdominal fat fast. It is advisable you focus on boosting your metabolism with the greatest tool for extreme fat loss foods.
I am sure you have heard about several techniques of reducing weight but many of these tips are nothing but stories. Understanding the actual process of belly fat loss and what must be done to get rid of it is critical to achieving your desired result.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Lose those Stubborn abdominal fats now
Lately, so many people both young and old irrespective of age, race or religion are getting big tummy. Protruding stomach causes a lot of concern to most people as it makes them shapeless and not looking sexy. The ugly remarks usually make by the opposite sex give so many sleepless nights and compel them to look for a way to shed the unwanted abdominal fats. The good news is that by making some lifestyle changes you can get rid of excess belly fat. Big stomach is an issue for most people but with right diet and training, it will become a thing of the past.
However, to get rid of the excess fats, some Trainers and nutrition specialists have researched and come out with good tips to hasten the removal. Some of the tips are listed below:
- Always eat Protein rich foods first: Whenever you want to take your meal and your aim is to lose belly fat, ensure you eat your protein rich foods first. This is very essential as those proteins rich foods will fill you up the fastest thus preventing you from over feeding yourself. Eating more protein rich foods boost the metabolism the most thereby assisting to burn off more calories..
- Don’t Skip Meals: Always ensure you don’t skip meals on a regular basis. This is to avoid over eating when you want to eat thereby increasing the belly fat. Eating regularly will help keep blood sugar level stable. Most often, people believe that skipping a meal will actually help them lose fat faster, but this is not true.
- Don`t eat heavily late at night: Eating heavily very late at night helps to accumulate excess fats in the belly.
- Shift Focus from Abdominal exercise: Engaging in too much abdominal exercise is one mistake many people do since they strongly believe that it is the fastest means to get rid of abdominal fat. As a matter of fact, abdominal exercise burn the least amount of calories thus is not much helpful. When working out, you should not focus only on abdominal training rather engage in cardio training coupled with heavy weight lifting. These are the exercises that are going to work better to help you lose overall body fat. As the body fat is reducing, the stomach fats will also go away.
- Sleep more at night : Ensure you sleep very well at night. When you have sound sleep, you wake up the next day happier and less hungry but the reverse is the case whenever one sleeps less at night. It is a fact that when hunger comes, there is every tendency that the person will over eat.
Some other tips will be revealed in my subsequent articles but I implore you to try this now as it has worked for several people. Adjust your life style today and get rid of excess fats in your body.